
Why Geology Matters in Petrophysics

NuTech’s internal core analysis laboratory offers the ability to provide specialized MICP measurements for pore size distribution and relative permeability, among other properties. This data

Defining Porosity

In petrophysics there are a number of subtle differences when discussing porosity. Porosity is defined as the void or space in the material being observed.

NuTech Celebrates 25th Anniversary

NuTech is celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2023! We have contributed to many advances over the last 25 years, both within NuTech and the industry

NuTech Hosts IRAD User Forum

NuTech hosted our first User Forum for IRAD. This platform is, and will always be, a client driven product. Many ideas were presented and discussed.

Gulf of Mexico CCUS

NuTech is pleased to announce the completion of a proprietary study in the Gulf of Mexico of more than 200 wells for the purpose of identifying #CCUS injection