
Join Us at URTeC ’24 Houston, TX

Join NuTech in Houston at the Unconventional Resources Technology Conference June 17-19.  Our experts will discuss our integrated solutions to your subsurface challenges along with

Missed Our Webinar? View the Recording!

  View the recorded AAPG Academy’s webinar, Finding the Full Potential:  New Tools and Databases to Uncover the Hidden Gems of Oil and Gas, and

AAPG Academy Hosts NuTech Webinar

Register Now for AAPG Academy’s webinar, Finding the Full Potential:  New Tools and Databases to Uncover the Hidden Gems of Oil and Gas, and More

Creating Cross Sections With IRAD

To decrease the degree of uncertainty regarding underlying geology, IRAD has the capability to create a visual representation. With NuTech’s extensive dataset you have the ability to

Why Raw Data is Not Enough

We spend a lot of time on every analysis editing and normalizing data. The hard part is to ensure that you “fix” only bad data

Why Geology Matters in Petrophysics

NuTech’s internal core analysis laboratory offers the ability to provide specialized MICP measurements for pore size distribution and relative permeability, among other properties. This data