Geological Modeling
NUVIEW provides a field-wide 3D presentation
Whether you are evaluating a prospect, developing completion plans, searching for bypassed pay, or any of the countless other risk-reward decisions you’re faced with, NuTech’s geological modeling technologies and processes are invaluable.
The NUVIEW process takes advantage of the textural analysis and petrophysical outputs to build models that let us:
- Calculate original oil in place
- Come up with in-field development plans
Everything begins with the NULOOK petrophysical analysis on the wells to be modeled in the process. Specified rock properties are distributed across an area where spatial relevance and reservoir interconnectivity become more clearly focused.
Interpreted seismic data also can be integrated. The reservoir intelligence team looks at correlations to ensure they make sense.
3D Structural Modeling and Grid Design
Once this data has been input, we start building a structural model, which helps to define the relationships between surfaces and faults. Once we have the structural model built, we create a grid. This is where we decide on the resolution. That’s based upon the size of the project, distance between wells, and the horizon that we are looking for on the log.
Depositional Facies Modeling
Next comes a facies model. Our process allows for eight different geological environments and depositional systems. Here NuTech visits with the client to understand the depositional environment. From time to time, the environments can change significantly from zone to zone.
Well Blocking
In this step, NULOOK attributes are assigned to grid cells. Are we looking for laminated sands and shales? Blockier sands? Carbonates
Detailed Property Modeling
At this stage we take the high-definition petrophysical properties – porosity, permeability, pore size, water saturation, etc. – and distribute them across the depositional systems model. This gives the complete geological model, and allows us to calculate reserves in place. And we make recommendations as to drill site locations, well-planning and field development strategies.
The financial impact of modeling
When entering the field development phase, to do it properly, the 3D modeling is extremely valuable. Modeling is constantly adding an exploratory angle to development, telling you where the next well should be drilled.
But even when buying and selling assets, accurately calculating reserves that are still in place, as well as what’s required to extract it, helps you determine true value.
Going a step further
If you need to know not only the reserves in place, but also what has been produced, we can do a full field study to see what’s left. We will run streamline simulations to come up with drainage regions that will allow us to make “new pay” determinations.
New pay is bypassed pay that has been flagged in the NULOOK petrophysical process, but has not been perforated, and has not been drained by any offset well. To find it, though, you must create a 3D model and run streamline simulations on all the wells around it.
This process allows us to provide recommendations such as workovers and new drill locations, assuming the found reserves are adequate enough for production.
Integrated SOLUTIONS
Reservoir intelligence is gathered and interpreted by a team of experts unparalleled in the industry using innovative technology and a unique, integrated process.
Reservoir Engineering
Optimizing development of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
Completion Engineering
The reservoir is not homogeneous, so your completions shouldn't be either.
Core Analysis
Essential for determining oil and gas potential based off the experimental results of core samples.
quick stats
10's of Thousands
Percent of wells processed have been unconventional.
Completed 3D reservoir characterization studies.