Petrophysical Analysis
Geared for finding pay zones
NULOOK Petrophysical Evaluations
NULOOK is an enhanced petrophysical analysis which utilizes conventional open hole well logs. An accurate determination of effective porosity is derived using a proprietary multi-mineral based system which integrates a multi-source clay volume logic and a series of algorithms which yield a pores size distribution. The pore size distribution is based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) data as well as an extensive core analysis database which gives an understanding of the texture of the reservoir rock. From this textural understanding, bound and free fluid are determined as well as a very robust permeability which correlates to core results.
NULOOK Shale Analysis
Shale Analysis is an enhanced NULOOK petrophysical analysis, which yields the Total Organic Carbon content of the shale and provides a kerogen correction on the log data to determine the effective porosity and permeability of an organic shale.
NULOOK Fracture Analysis
Fracture Analysis is an extended feature of the NULOOK petrophysical analysis. Fracture Analysis utilizes multiple natural fracture indicators to determine the frequency and relative confidence of the presence of natural fractures, which can enhance porosity and producibility.
NULOOK Thin Bed Analysis
Thin Bed Analysis is an enhanced NULOOK petrophysical analysis specifically for low contrast thinly laminated intervals. By determining inflection points in standard open hole logging measurements using a binary process, high resolution porosity, permeability, and water saturation can be resolved giving a better estimate of reservoir quality and volumetrics.
The NULOOK enhanced petrophysical analysis is performed using old electric log information, typically a Spontaneous Potential curve with one or more resistivity curves, or more modern log data which does not have usable porosity data. The result is consistent with modern complete NULOOK analysis.
NULOOK petrophysical analysis utilizes the free fluid porosity saturation in conjunction with produced fluid properties to determine relative permeability relationships for water cut predictions as well as fluid volumes.
NULOOK Mixed Wettability
NuTech utilizes the conventional triple combo data set to produce a mixed wettability petrophysical model tuned to the production fluid cuts and EUR of producing wells in the general area.
Integrated soluTIONS
Reservoir intelligence is gathered and interpreted by a team of experts unparalleled in the industry using innovative technology and a unique, integrated process.
Reservoir Engineering
Optimizing development of conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
Completion Engineering
The reservoir is not homogeneous, so your completions shouldn't be either.
Core Analysis
Essential for determining oil and gas potential based off the experimental results of core samples.
NuTech Reservoir Experts:
- Discovered the full commercial potential of the Eagle Ford Shale.
- Confirmed a world class project that resulted in Argentina’s largest crude oil discovery in two decades.
quick stats
10's of Thousands
Wells analyzed in our data library. And counting.
Mapped and processed logs available immediately from our area studies.
Eagle Ford wells analyzed.
Percent of wells processed have been unconventional.