Permian Basin – San Andres Mini Study

Analysis of 27 wells

Permian Basin - San Andres Mini Study

The study wells represent a portion of our experience in this area. View our Interactive Map to see just how many wells we have analyzed.

NuTech’s San Andres study is a 27 well study in Eastern New Mexico and the Western Panhandle of Texas. The San Andres is a Guadalupian aged dolomitic reservoir and is comprised of oolitic grainstones. The San Andres is present in the Permian Basin and overlays the Glorietta. The San Andres is generally broken into three components; the high porosity at the top, the transition zone, and the residual oil zone. One of the historic issues facing the San Andres formation has been the large volumes of water produced. The San Andres has been waterflooded and injected into for disposal across the Basin for a long time, generally in the high porosity zone. Recent success has been had in the transition/residual oil zone. NuTech utilizes a mixed wettability model to show not only moveable water and oil but also the bound water and oil. The output includes the permeability to oil and water which allows operators to complete in zones that have a higher likelihood of hydrocarbon production.


Reservoir potential evaluation