Midland Basin Wolfcamp Study

Insight into 2404 key wells.

The Wolfcamp to Strawn strata represents an extremely prolific resource play.

This study provides a petrophysical and geologic analysis of key wells in the Midland Basin.

The study wells represent a portion of our experience in this area. View our Interactive Map to see just how many wells we have analyzed.

NuTech provides insight into the connectivity of textural attributes of the wells with NULOOK Shale Analysis, attribute mapping from NUVIEW, and formation brittleness and fracability identification from NUSTIM Geomechanical Analysis. Estimated OOIP in this project area ranges from 100 to 270MMBO/section.

The PHIE averages from 7.5% to 11% over the project area. The Wolfcamp shale has a low Vclay (ranging from .22 to .35 or 22% to 36%), comprised of an equal mixture of carbonate and silica being consequentially brittle. Caliper logs confirm this shale is the type of brittle shale that is fracable, can be propped, and is comparable to other productive shales. The TOC ranges from 3% to 9% and Ro ranges from .7 to .9, indicating the shale is in the oil window with sufficient organic carbon. Reservoir pressures are estimated between .46 to.52 psi/ft.

The infusion of extremely fine desiccate silt, intercalated with carbonate stringers during sea level low stand during Cline and Wolfcamp deposition create an ideal environment with the addition of enhanced storage and brittleness. The depth of the shale interval ranges from 7,700 – 9,800 in the Northern part of the basin to 9,500 to 11,700 feet in the Southern part of the basin.


Reservoir potential evaluation


There are 13 Counties included in the Midland Basin Wolfcamp Study.