Paradox Basin Study

Analysis of 47 wells that starts in the northern San Juan, NM county and goes NW into central Emery County.

Paradox Basin Study

The study wells represent a portion of our experience in this area. View our Interactive Map to see just how many wells we have analyzed.

NuTech’s Paradox Basin study includes 47 evaluated well logs and is NuTech’s twenty-second North American study.  The Pennsylvanian-aged Paradox formation of the Paradox Basin is primarily comprised of hydrocarbon bearing carbonate, shale, and evaporite sequences.  The study identifies the formations from the Ismay through the Cane Creek Shale, including the Hovenweep Shale, Desert Creek, Chimney Rock Shale, Akah, Barker Creek and Alkali Gulch.  Several of the study wells include analysis over deeper Cane Creek formation.  The study coverage starts in the northern San Juan, NM county and goes NW into central Emery County.  Each study well has petrophysical evaluation utilizing NuTech’s calibrated models.  Geomechanical rock properties, cross sections and attribute maps are available by request.

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Reservoir potential evaluation